Residential Window Tinting in Plano, TX
Plano Residential Window Tinting
Plano has some of the most interesting homes in DFW when it comes to window tinting. They’ve got those great older homes in parts of East Plano, and then they also have some of the largest and luxurious mansions in other parts of town. We’ve worked in Plano for many years and have done many home window tinting projects like the one in this picture above.
This project was an interesting story because the family had been debating what to do about the tremendous heat they came in through their home’s windows during the summer months. People don’t realize the tremendous difference in terms of heating in the house and the increase in the home’s Energy bill sun coming through on tinted windows can cause. We talked at length with this customer about the difference window tinting options and the different window tinting techniques that we use. In the end they decided to move forward with this residential tinting project.
They chose to tent the entire house as opposed to just the window that was having a specific issue. We’re glad they made that decision because after the project was over they told us how their energy bill had been reduced by over 20% simply by tinting the windows. We told them that this kind of thing happens all the time with window tinting and we were just glad that we were able to help them with this particular issue.
In addition to the energy cost savings, you also can get greater aesthetic appearance and sometimes even greater resale value with the house. On this project we went with a Madico film which was the best option for them. And we made sure to explain what we were doing at each step of the process. In the end, the project came in just as we expected. And most importantly we’ve made a happy customer for life.
If you have a need for a new commercial window tinting or residential window tinting project, please let us know. We can give you an accurate and quick estimate on what it will take to do the job right for your home. We have three decades of experience with window tinting across Dallas-Fort Worth and we’re happy to discuss your needs in great detail. Call us today to begin making your home the comfortable and enjoyable place it was meant to be.